domingo, 13 de junio de 2010

Generative Algorithms Concepts and Experiments Weaving by Zubin Khabazi (2010)

The book is the first of a series which is aimed to develop different concepts in the field of Generative Algorithms and Parametric Design. The first one concentrated on Weaving as a generative concept in design both in method and experiment/tool.
TOC: 1. Generative Algorithms, Concepts and Experiments 1 Waeving (5); 1.1 Introduction (5); 1.2 Weaving (6); 2. Loom Project (9); 2.1 Where should start? (9); 2.2 How should weave? (10); 2.3 The Loom Algorithm (11); 3.Jacquard Weave (20); 3.1 Jacquard Loom (20); 3.2 Principles of Operation in a Jacquard Loom (21); 3.3 Jacquard Loom Project (21); 3.3 1 Pattern of Weaving (21); 3.3.2 Target Space/Form of Weaving (29); 3.3.3 Plotting Points onto Target Surface (31); 3.3.4 Weaving Target surface by Pattern (34); 3.3.5 Yarn Geometry Generation (46); 4 Conclusion (54); Notes (55)

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